Orchid Isle Fiber Arts

Fiber 2 Fashion in 1 Stop

The goal of this company is to create fun fiber fashion that is durable and long lasting. We source materials from Eco friendly sources whenever possible. Whether it be using someone’s left over’s from another project or buying from places using recycled materials. Along with compostable items when ever its packaging so that we will hopefully not add to the trash problems.

Our designs are all based around the principle of function and durability first, Eco impact second and finally but not least fashion. Lets each try to help the earth in one way or another using Eco friendly practices. We produce many things from raw cotton, cruelty free angora fiber, and silk as the raw material produced on the Big Island with the goal of bringing jobs to the Island over time. As well as hand crafted items like enamel coated copper wire baskets, woven purses, and flavored honey straws.

Orchid Gallery

Have a look at my beautiful orchid collection.

Bonsai Gallery

Have a look at my bonsai collection.

Shop Orchid Isle Fiber Arts