I just got a new Bonsai from a Bonsai club friend. Its a Willow Leaf Ficus which is of unknown age, though it is probably at least 70+ years old. Here is a pic of when I got the tree originally.

Bagged Willow Leaf Ficus

I got it without having a pot which shows how durable these ficus are. I had to clean all the roots & trim them, to make it fit into a show quality pot that I have. It should recover quickly from the trauma.

Willow Leaf Ficus Root Pruning

Here is a picture of the Willow leaf ficus in it new pot… It weighed a lot before I put it in the pot & now it weighs even more. Though happily I was able to put it in a Mica pot rather then a ceramic pot or it would have really been heavy.

Willow Leaf Ficus in new Pot

Once the Tree has recovered, I will do a big pruning of the branches & get it into a more appropriate trunk shape & style.